CCTV at the Rec

Wingham now has two CCTV cameras at Wingham Recreation Ground monitoring the car park and the whole of the recreation ground. The Scheme is controlled by Dover District Council, contact: 01304 872220

Following several incidents of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) and regular dog-fouling at the Recreation Ground, the Parish Council started working with Dover District Council (DDC) officers on potential CCTV coverage before the pandemic.

We are pleased to announce that the project has now been successfully completed with two cameras, purchased by the Parish Council, now in place and connected up to DDC’s CCTV Control Room which operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All CCTV cameras operated by DDC are used in accordance with their CCTV Code of Practice and any homes that can be seen will be pixelated for privacy so that it does not infringe on any human rights. 

You can find out more about DDC’s CCTV hub by entering ‘CCTV’ into their web search bar:

Hopefully there will not be any cause to use footage collected by DDC but, if necessary, we do now have the means to identify anyone involved in ASB of any kind.

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