The A257 Traffic Group was formed in 2010 to combine local knowledge and experience to address traffic matters affecting residents along the length of the A257 from Warwick Road in Canterbury up to and including Ash Village. This includes some associated roads and villages directly affected by the A257 between these points.

CORE GROUP Members are representatives of the following Parish Councils and Associations (in alphabetical order):-
Adisham Parish Council
Ash Parish Council
Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne Parish Council
Ickham & Well Parish Council (Bramling)
Littlebourne Parish Council
• Littlebourne & Stodmarsh Roads Community Association (LSRCA)
Preston Parish Council
Staple Parish Council (Shatterling)
Wickhambreaux Parish Council
Wingham Parish Council

FULL GROUP In addition to Core Group members, the Full Group members include:-
• District Councillor for Little Stour & Adisham Ward, Canterbury, currently Cllr Lee Castle
• District Councillor for Little Stour & Ashstone Ward, Dover, currently Cllr Martin Porter
• Kent County Councillor for Canterbury City South, currently Cllr Mel Dawkins
• Kent County Councillor for Canterbury South, currently Cllr Mike Sole
• Kent County Councillor for Sandwich, currently Cllr Sue Chandler
• MP for Canterbury/Whitstable, currently Rosie Duffield
• MP for South Thanet, currently Craig Mackinlay

MEETINGS are held every other month in January, March, May, July, September and November with Full Group Members attending every other meeting in January, May and September only. These are not public meetings. Other Councillors and/or interested parties are invited to attend according to the agenda.

The Group produced and launched the ‘A257 Plan’ in 2018 which documents issues surrounding congestion, accidents and pedestrians, providing fact-based information and proposals for improvements on the road to make it safer for all users.

Under Matters Arising it was noted that tankering continues in Littlebourne and may do for some time due to high aquifer levels and water filtering into the wastewater pipes which needs to be pumped off.  It was also agreed to write to KCC officers regarding their interpretation of Department for Transport legislation.
Updates from County and District Councillors  were received. Cllr Sole noted that the Canterbury Draft District Plan Regulation 18 consultation is open until 13 June. Cllr Chandler noted that KCC are preparing a response to the Canterbury Plan. Cllr Porter noted the Whitemills Aqua Park have had their expansion plans approved for a new training lake and campsite which is due to be used by the British Olympic team. 
Updates from Group and Village representatives were received from Littlebourne, Shatterling, Bekesbourne/Patrixbourne; LSRCA,  Bramling, Preston and Wingham:-  Littlebourne The resident survey on potential 20mph limits in the village had attracted a mostly favourable response. It was also noted the Environment Agency had withdrawn their objection to the proposed development on The Hill and Littlebourne's concerns regarding surface water and traffic issues were noted. It was AGREED the Group will write to CCC in support of Littlebourne's concerns. Shatterling noted thanks for the Group's continuing support of the issues faced by Shatterling residents.  Bekesbourne/Patrixbourne: A couple of collisions were ntoed due to speeding. 30 & 40 roundels have been painted on Station Road, new signs added on Bekesbourne Hill and potholes fixed. Hoping to introduce 20mph limit in Patrixbourne and trying to engage police to carry out speed checks. LSRCA noted the forthcoming meeting with Cllr Neil Baker. Bramling noted their first Speedwatch session on 21 May. Preston noted their request for a 20mph limit had been rejected by KCC.  Wingham noted that a productive site meeting with Cllr Baker (KCC), Cllr Chandler (KCC), Cllr Bartlett (DDC & Staple PC) and Cllr Porter (DDC & Ash PC) had taken place on 8 May to look at the Staple Rd/B2046 junction and other A257 road safety issues. It was also noted that a site meeting with a KCC officer to discuss the use of Speed Indicator Devices in Wingham is to be arranged in June.
Next Meeting Date: Saturday 3 August for Core Group Members only.

KCC'S VISION ZERO ROAD SAFETY STRATEGY Please visit the KCC VISION ZERO page to find out more.  An excerpt from the KCC page reads as follows:- There are on average just over 45 deaths on Kent’s roads each year. Kent County Council (KCC) is setting the target of zero, or as close as possible, fatalities and life changing injuries by 2050 with a 50% reduction by 2030 and a target of no more than 39 traffic fatalities by 2026. Vision Zero is not just about focussing on the date we achieve zero, but the recognition that deaths on the road are not an acceptable price to pay for mobility.  We will follow the Safe System Approach which understands that people make mistakes and aims to ensure these mistakes do not cause a death or a life-changing injury.

The Group Administrator is Kerry Coltham, the Wingham Parish Council Clerk. Please use the CONTACT PAGE for your enquiry
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