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Remembrance Sunday in Wingham

The War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday - 8 November 2020
Wreaths from Wingham KFRS, Wingham PC, Wingham Scouts
The Venerable Jo Kelley-Moore with village representatives 8.11.20

Remembrance Sunday was a little different in Wingham this year as there was no parade and no church service due to the latest Government lockdown measures.

However, a short service conducted by the Venerable Jo Kelley-Moore, Archdeacon of Canterbury, took place on a beautiful sunny morning at the Burial Ground war memorial, attended by a few village representatives.

The service was live-streamed on the village facebook page and can now be viewed on YouTube:

The Order of Service is shown below


The Scout Group are really pleased to announce that they have now raised £510 from their virtual poppy hike which they hope will go some way to alleviating the fact that there have been no poppy boxes in the village this year and no collection from church. They’ve also hiked enough miles to get them to the Menin Gate and beyond to the other cemeteries in the Ypres Salient where Wingham men are buried!

Scouts have also been busy at the old BT Kiosk in the High Street which now houses the Parish Council defibrillator. Please feel free to visit and read the names, but please remember social distancing. All the names can be read from outside so there is no need to touch the door.

The 'poppy bombed' High Street kiosk. Each poppy represents one of the men from the Wingham War Memorial