Tuesday 25 June 2024 (Updated 1.7.24)

Following a successful campaign by the Parish Council including a site meeting with the KCC Highways Officer responsible, we have been given permission by KCC to once again use our Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) within the 20mph zone on an 18 month trial.

These devices will be used on rotation to help remind drivers to slow down through our village which we know is a concern for some Wingham residents.

We currently have three authorised positions for the SIDs and asked for another two, but these were deemed unsuitable by KCC. We will continue to negotiate for other possible sites.

Resident volunteers on the Speedwatch team also hope to be out and about this Summer to help remind drivers of the speed limits in the village and are always grateful for more volunteers if you can help.

For more information on the 20mph scheme, please visit this news page:

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