On 6th February 2022 Her Majesty The Queen became the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, marking 70 years of service to the people of the United Kingdom, the Realms and the Commonwealth.
Photo credit: Jacob King/PA Wire/PA Images.
To celebrate, events and initiatives will take place through the year, including the four-day UK bank holiday weekend from Thursday 2nd to Sunday 5th June.
The four days of celebrations will include public events and community activities, as well as national moments of reflection on The Queen’s 70 years of service.
Thursday 2 June: The Queen’s Birthday Parade (Trooping the Colour); Buckingham Palace, London, SW1A 1AA. Open to public, no booking required. To find out more, visit: https://qbp.army.mod.uk/queensbirthdayparade/
Sunday 5 June: Platinum Jubilee Pageant; Buckingham Palace, London, SW1A 1AA; Open to public, no booking required. To find out more: https://www.platinumpageant.com/
Wingham is getting ready to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee weekend 2-5 June and a resident committee is organising events for the weekend. The Parish Council will be displaying official jubilee signs in the village as well as bunting and a flag at the Remembrance Garden and would like to encourage residents to decorate their homes with bunting and displays as well as taking part in the village events, which are as follows:-
Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd June10am-4pm: GARDEN SAFARI & SCARECROW TRAILwith refreshments being served both at the Village Hall and at the Remembrance Garden, High St/North Court junction. THEME: THE LAST 70 YEARS! Don't forget to register your garden or scarecrow with Amanda at ajohn1205@msn.com or Vivien at vivien@leeming.org;
Thursday 2nd June: REFRESHMENTS and Stalls of your choice (more info to follow from the Village Hall Committee) available at the village hall with refreshments being served from 10am-4pm;
Thursday 2nd June 11am-3pm: Find a scarecrow at Gibson's 70th JUBILEE PICNICin their orchard. Contact: Rachel@gibsonsfarmshop.com. This is a free event, no tickets required. Take your Scarecrow/Garden Safari trail map along to redeem a free take-away cuppa from their bakery. Bring your own picnic and/or purchase food and drinks from the farmshop;
Friday 3rd June:'A CROWN FIT FOR OUR QUEEN' COMPETITION at the village hall - see poster below. Competition entries (£2.50) must be brought to the hall between 9.30-10am on the day and will be on show from 10am-3pm with judging taking place at 1pm. Also, REFRESHMENTS will available at the village hall from 10am-4pm;
Sunday 5th June 10am-12noon:VILLAGE HALL OPEN for anyone who wishes to get together for a free cuppa and a slice of cake. A social event, as well as a final opportunity to see the Scarecrows on display.
Don't forget to decorate your house and garden!
Wingham has also taken part in the Queens Green Canopy (QGC) scheme set up especially for the Platinum Jubilee and the 'Wingham Elm' tree planting has been added to the QGC map. To read more about the tree planting and the tree itself, visit our news page HERE